Symbiosistas Blog

Chinese New Years 2022


Symbiosistas Newsletter, January 12th, 2022

Dear Valued Customers, Friends, and Subscribers,

The Chinese New Year Festival is almost here, which means we’ve made it through another successful Lunar Year! As such, we’d like to take a moment to thank you for your continued support and wish you an amazing Year of the Tiger! We’d also like to share our holiday schedule with you and let you know what to expect over the next few weeks.


Symbiosistas Holiday Message

This upcoming year is the Year of the Tiger. The tiger is an aggressive creature that actively seeks out its prey. For humans, the tiger can be viewed as both an inspiration and a threat. When we fight as ferociously as a tiger, we can achieve things we could not imagine. The tiger is also a source of fear, which we must overcome. This year we wish to remember the tiger and actively seek out challenges, for that is how we develop. We wish you success this year in hunting down your ambitions and overcoming the challenges that block your way.


Symbiosistas Holiday Schedule

The Chinese New Year will occur on January 31st and February 1st, 2022 this year. Symbiosistas office will be closed from January 27th to February 7th, 2022. We may be slower to respond to emails and inquiries during this period. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


What to Expect in the Coming Weeks

Due to the Chinese holiday season, many companies will be closed or operate at lower capacity in the coming weeks. While all factories have their own holiday schedules, most will cease production for at least the official holiday period, which is January 27th to February 7th, 2022. In addition, couriers are expected to operate at a lower capacity from January 15th to February 16th, 2022. Shipping will be slower during this time and ports will be operating with fewer staff. Any orders shipped during this period can expect delays.


The Effect of Omicron

Due to the increased transmission rate of the Omicron Variant, Chinese port authorities have added wait times for machinery imported from countries reporting large numbers of COVID cases. This may cause delays on orders that involving imported parts.

We hope you have a great lunar year in 2022!

Best Wishes,

Symbiosistas Staff

Nathan Lomond