Chinese Generator Sets
Chinese Generator Sets
Chinese Ricardo Generators
Choose from a selection of 50Hz and 60Hz generators powered by Chinese Ricardo engines from Kofo and TianHe Ricardo.
Click here to view our 50Hz Kofo Ricardo models. (15-187KVA)
Click here to view our 50Hz TianHe Ricardo models. (25-288KVA)
Click here to view our 60Hz Kofo Ricardo models. (33-344KVA)
Click here to view our 60Hz TianHe Ricardo models. (33-344KVA)
Why Choose a Chinese Ricardo Powered Generator?
Chinese Ricardo engines were inspired by Ricardo engines. While they have no affiliation with Ricardo Plc., they offer an affordable alternative to the more expensive original Ricardo engines.
All our Chinese Ricardo Generators come with a standard manufacturer’s warranty of 1 year or 1000 hours accumulated running time, whichever comes first.
symbiosistas Copy SDEC powered generators
We offer a range 50Hz generator sets powered by Copy SDEC engines produced by reputable Copy SDEC manufacturers.
Click here to view our 50Hz ShengDong Copy SDEC gensets (250-1125KVA)
Why Choose a Copy sDEC Powered Generator?
Copy SDEC engines are based on similar technology as Shanghai Diesel engines and offer similar quality for a more economical price.
All our Copy SDEC Generators come with a standard manufacturer’s warranty of 1 year or 1000 hours accumulated running time, whichever comes first.
Symbiosistas FAWDE Powered Generators
We can supply you with a variety of top-tier generators powered by Fawde 50Hz and 60Hz generator engines.
Click here to view our 50Hz Fawde generators. (15-375KVA)
Click here to view our 60Hz Fawde generators. (20-375KVA)
Why Choose a Fawde Powered Generator?
Fawde engines are some of the best Chinese engines on the market. They were the first generator brand in China and have a long and rich history, and are known as a socially responsible enterprise.
All our Fawde Powered Generators come with a standard manufacturer’s warranty of 1 year or 1000 hours accumulated running time, whichever comes first.
symbiosistas WeiChai and baudouin powered generators
Our product line includes a range of generator sets powered by 50Hz and 60Hz WeiChai and Baudouin generator engines.
Click here to view our 50Hz WeiChai generator sets. (25-1500KVA)
Click here to view our 50Hz Baudouin generator sets. (15-1750KVA)
Click here to view our 60Hz WeiChai generator sets. (24-1250KVA)
Click here to view our 60Hz Baudouin generator sets. (22-1875KVA)
WHy choose a weichai powered generator?
WieChai is an innovative Chinese engine company known for its R&D and strategic acquisitions, including the purchase of Baudouin in 2009. WieChai is an internationally recognized brand and offers excellent quality and competitive prices.
All our WieChai Powered Generators come with a standard manufacturer’s warranty of 1 year or 1000 hours accumulated running time, whichever comes first.
Symbiosistas YuChai Powered Generators
As part of our Premium Chinese Generators Sets, we offer a line of 50Hz gensets powered by YuChai generator engines.
Click here to view our 50Hz YuChai generator sets. (20-200KVA)
Why Choose an YuChai Powered Generator Set?
Yuchai is a well respected Chinese generator brand that has been producing generator engines since 1993. They have better fuel consumption compared to other Chinese brands, and offer better engine quality than Cummins. YuChai is a socially responsible company and has a joint-venture with MTU.
All our YuChai Powered Generators come with a standard manufacturer’s warranty of 1 year or 1000 hours accumulated running time, whichever comes first.