Symbiosistas Blog

Chinese National Day and Mid-Autumn's Festival Holiday Newsletter


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We wanted to let you know. The Chinese National Day and Mid-Autumn’s Day Holidays are here! Here’s what you should know:

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The Chinese National Day and Mid-Autumn’s Day Holidays have been combined this year. This happens in some years because the National Day Holiday is determined by the international calendar, while the Mid-Autumn’s Day Holiday is determined by the lunar calendar, which causes them to overlap occasionally. In years where they are in close proximity, the holiday is combined to give people an extended vacation.

How long is the holiday? Typically, people will receive one week off for the Chinese National Day Holiday and three days off for Mid-Autumn’s Day. When they are combined, they can have up to two weeks of vacation! This year, the holiday will consist of 11 calendar days, 9 business days, beginning September 28th, and ending October 8th. Factory employees will be back at work on September 9th, 2020. Most companies will work the weekend before the holiday, September 26th and 27th, and the weekend after it, October 10th and 11th.


How will this affect your orders? Orders that have not been shipped out before the holiday will likely not ship out until after the holiday. While the ports still operate in a limited capacity, they work with a skeleton crew, which can really slow things down. Aside from the ports being understaffed, many companies are in a hurry to have their orders shipped out before the holiday begins, causing a backlog in the system. It is best to factor this down-time into your delivery time. While it can be frustrating if your order is delayed due to this holiday, it is important to remember that the people sending you your goods are often helpless to do anything about it. The situation is what it is, and no amount of pressure can change that.

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What will Symbiosistas staff do during the holidays? Usually, our team will visit friends and family or travel abroad during the holidays. However, this year, with the COVID-19 Pandemic in full swing, travelling outside of the country means two weeks of quarantine time, which is longer than the holiday, so it’s more likely that our staff will stick to visiting friends and family.

We hope you are all safe, healthy, and happy during this time, and we wish you success in all your endeavours.


Symbiosistas Staff

NewslettersNathan Lomond